A completely new approach to film production has been outlined to pandemic production. New Covid Compliance Supervisors and Officers are now on our sets to enforce safe filming Zones, daily testing, and 10-hour-maximum shooting days.
According to The Safe Way Forward, safety on set hinges on two things working together: testing and the Zone system. In simple terms, Zone A are places meant for actors who can’t use PPE due to their roles, with Zone B is the rest of the set and crew, and Zone C is the outside world. With these safeguards in place, our Covid Compliance Officers always keep a strict record of all the personal on our sets, making sure everyone is safe.
Corvus Eye Media's Covid Safe Requirements are as follows:
Zone A personnel are tested three times a week at a minimum, and daily when scenes require extremely close proximity to each other, as well as getting a temperature test and cleared every time they enter or re-enter Zone A.
Zone B personnel are tested once a week, preferably on a Monday or Tuesday, as well as getting a temperature test and cleared every time they enter Zone B.
PPE and sanitizing products are always kept on set.
Talent, even when in Zone A, will always be required to wear when not working on camera within the hour.
Hair and Makeup department is required to always have PPE on and must keep all equipment sanitized between talent.
Camera department in Zone B will always be required to have PPE and to keep all equipment sanitized.
By adhering to The Safe Way Forward rules, we are able to stay essential and keep our clients as well as ourselves safe during this pandemic.